Amazing Grace Colorado

Set Free—My Chains Are Gone!



Essence of Fellowship : One-Another
Christian fellowship (Koinonia) is an association, communion, fellowship, close relationship.

“to be God’s man and God’s woman, motivated, matured and equipped in the Spirit, doing God’s work in His way at the place of His appointment, together with His people”
John Morrison

“giving, receiving, and sharing of material or immaterial things on a personal basis between believers based on the common bond of Christ” J. Grant Howard. Read More…

Is This Christianity

What we desire in life is harmony with one another, a sympathetic ear when things go wrong, brotherly kindhearted relationships from others who are humble towards us—not judgmental.

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One Another Place

Community Churches are needed. Serving a defined neighborhood - community. It is where people gather and have time to talk things over, learn from each other, offer/receive help from each other, learn/observe parenting, get to know each other's kids, help other parents out with their kids.
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