Amazing Grace Colorado

Set Free—My Chains Are Gone!

Grace Givers

What is Grace?

What does it cost?

What does Grace do?

Grace Receivers = Know how much they’ve been forgiven [Sinful woman Lk 7:36,46-47].

Grace Growers = Bring grace out in others. God grows our faith by testing it. [Ja 1:2-4].

Grace Givers = Those who have received and now extend it. Like the sinful woman. Like Jesus. Read More…

Meet The New You

Why do people who are holy act unholy, struggling with sins constantly trying to overcome them? Read More…

A Righteous Lifestyle

Does God still desire us to have a righteous lifestyle? Most certainly. When we become Christians, we possess the divine life of Jesus Christ. As we abide in Christ, His life flows out of us producing a righteous lifestyle. His empowering grace will produce righteousness whereas our self-effort to follow rules will always fail.
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Give Up Your Values

  • An obsession with right and wrong makes people self-conscious instead of God-conscious.

Focusing on behavior takes our eyes off God and puts the focus on self. God’s purpose is that we focus on Him. If we spend considerable effort evaluating our behavior to see that it is good (even conforming to 10 Commandments) we become egocentric. Our eyes are taken off God. That’s what concentrating on good and evil will do.
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Grace Inside

Holiness outside comes from Grace inside.

What does grace means to you?
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