Amazing Grace Colorado

Set Free—My Chains Are Gone!


Christian Worldview

Why is a Biblical Worldview Important?
We want to make good decisions.
We want to give good counsel.
We want our witness to be effective, even powerful.
We want to be involved in things that don’t war against God.

What is a Christian Worldview anyway? Read More…

Truth Teller

We are commanded not to lie because He doesn’t lie. Speaking the truth imitates God’s character.

“If you tell the truth, you don’t have to remember anything”. Mark Twain Read More…

National Sunday Law

Have You Received the National Sunday Law booklet in the mail?

Did you read it? If so, how does it compare to what the Bible teaches? Who is the author A.Jan Marcussen? And why is he sending out this book randomly?

OR Have You Seen The Back Page Ad in the Pagosa Sun? Read More…
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