Amazing Grace Colorado

Set Free—My Chains Are Gone!

What We Do At Church

We congregate because Jesus is coming again. We
congregate on the first day of the week, the day of the
Lord’s resurrection. The Sabbath day has been fulfilled
and is at rest so to speak. We have been freed from the Law
and grace has been ushered in by Jesus Christ. Every time a
church assembles, it is bearing witness that Jesus is alive.

celebrate through singing, fellowship, praying, giving, hearing God’s Word.

commemorate as we remember His death and resurrection and know He is returning. We proclaim His death until He comes again as we take communion. We commemorate His baptism as we are baptized in the church.

communicate through singing, praying for one another, preaching the word, and with our presence.

consecrate our time to the Lord. We have set aside our other activities and put time with the Lord at the forefront. We go to work or school every day of the week M-F even Sat or Sun—all day long. What does it say about our relationship with Jesus if we forgo 2 hours of church on Sunday morning?

contemplate the living word of God at church. God speaks through others at church especially the preacher. He is speaking to all that are in attendance. He is speaking through the worship leader. And He is speaking through all that give testimony or prayer. The hearers should meditate on the words they hear as they are from God.

All of these activities are designed to build one-another up in the faith until we all come to a unity of faith.

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