Amazing Grace Colorado

Set Free—My Chains Are Gone!

Give Grace

What do we mean when we say, “give grace to someone…”?
Exactly how do we do that? We usually say it as a concession rather than an intentional act with a divine purpose.

My personal mission statement is (and could be all of ours): To be a catalyst of grace in other’s lives. So, what am I expecting to happen?

I'm expecting that if I live like Jesus by extending grace, love, and mercy to everyone (especially the lost, abandoned, or angry self-righteous) — lives can and will be changed.

Sadly, our American society as a whole has walked away from God. The Bible calls this apostasy. And just as God promised in Romans 1, He has turned us over to our reprobate minds.

But even more importantly, God said that Love Never Fails. Jesus has extended love, grace, mercy to us. To the outcast, to the downtrodden, to the chief of all sinners. And we too should do this. We were once this ourselves.

Church : In our disagreements are we able to extend grace? Or do we find it hard to do so because of anger or justification? Is it even our responsibility? I mean after all, if someone makes their bed, let them sleep in it, right? Some of us are angry or upset at others and we let that trump grace. And it’s true, we have been offended or hurt. But, like a popped balloon, our efforts often blow up in our face. Read 1 Corinthians 6:1-7



Grace is…God’s empowering presence enabling us to do what He has called us to do
Grace is...God’s power realized in Jesus upon us in abundance
Grace is...The method of divine dealing in salvation and the believer’s life and service.
Now then, Grace given is… a spiritually apprised act containing the characteristics of God’s grace extended to someone.

Realize this… "As each one has received a special gift, employ it in serving one another as good stewards of the manifold grace of God" (1 Peter 4:10).

We have received the gift of Grace. We are tasked to reproduce it, give it away in serving one-another.

Characteristics of God’s Grace

The employment of grace is used in the church. I dare say we churched Christians just brush over this scripture. It is much more difficult to actually do, rather than just hearing it.

"We urge you, brethren, admonish the unruly, encourage the fainthearted, help the weak, be patient with everyone. See that no one repays another with evil for evil, but always seek after that which is good for one another and for all people". (1 Thessalonians 5:14-22).

True grace will have the characteristics of God's grace. We should see that it is…

Peaceful, peacemaking
Sound Judgment, Sober
Patient, Sees the bigger picture
Loving, Love for One Another
Holy, Righteous, Just
Pure, not deceptive
Humble (Amazing Grace Hymn)
Not Condemning (Romans 8:1)
Edifying, Encouraging
Empathetic, Sympathetic

Looks like Jesus! :)

We Need Scars.

Without scars you cannot know grace intimately. We cannot extend it. Do you have any? Jesus had scars. The scars are realized through shared afflictions and comfort—not kum-by-ya moments.

What?! Personal experience of afflictions, comfort, and grace is the plowing up of the soil of our hearts. It is a necessary prerequisite in order for us to employ grace in serving others.

Consider how this was working out in the 1st Century church starting with Jesus, then through Paul, and finally through the church - 2 Corinthians 1:1-12.

A Life of Grace Realized

God ceaselessly works through grace to impart to and perfect in him corresponding graces. Reproduce it. Give it away. Remember 1 Peter 4:10 above? It is the spiritual connecting goo of spiritual relationships.

Grace given… a spiritually apprised act containing the characteristics of God’s grace extended to someone.

Grace is fueled by mercy, love, peace.

Recognize the Grace Moments. Revel in them. Attempt to string them together as you develop a life of grace.

So, again, what do we mean when we encourage YOU to be a grace catalyst? Simply, be the spark that starts the flame of grace.

…Grace.. to you!

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