Amazing Grace Colorado

Set Free—My Chains Are Gone!

Grace Walk


Grace Happens Here

What is grace?  The empowering presence of God which enables us to do what He has called us to do. God is the source of Grace. (Eph 2:4-5) Grace Accompanies Unconditional love…a free gift…no strings attached. Sadly many people have rarely experienced grace.  Grace is the method of divine dealing in salvation and in the believer’s life and service. As saved, he is “not under law but under grace” (Rom 6:14). We live in a world that is often quick to judge, where people are evaluated so they get what they deserve, it's only fair. Religion has often been reduced to a system of rewards or punishment based on our actions. Grace goes way beyond being fair, in fact it is about undeserved love given freely and that is what is at the heart of Christianity.

Grace happens.  Grace is a gift.  You can’t earn it or buy it; you can only receive it or give it. Grace isn’t benign or inactive. Grace is all around us; the source of grace is God.  By grace God brought the Christian into the highest conceivable position (Eph 1:6) and ceaselessly works through grace, to impart to and perfect in him corresponding graces (John 15:4-5; Gal 5:22,23). One of the best examples of grace is found in the one we call Jesus.  Jesus embodied grace like no one else and those who followed him found their lives shaped by that grace.  They still do. (John 1:17)

If I wanted to experience grace where would I start?  Find someone who knows Jesus.  There are all kinds of churches (followers of Jesus) out there, and some have a better handle on grace than others. Max Lucado says, "When grace happens, generosity happens. Unsquashable, eye-popping big heartedness happens. Liberality is in the forecast for tomorrow. When you meet a bountiful person, you are standing where grace is happening.


1. The Question: Do you struggle to maintain a consistent Christian walk?

2. Have you lost the joy in being a Christian because you are so busy doing things for God?

3. Do you rebel because Christianity means constantly having to obey another rule? And you are tired of all the "rules"?!

The only genuine motivation that will consistently sustain a godly Christian life God’s grace is what will empower you to be what you are predestined to be and to do that which you are called to do.