Amazing Grace Colorado

Set Free—My Chains Are Gone!

God's Plans

The first day of class each of us had to introduce ourselves and describe why we were in nursing school. As I listened to classmates explain how they had always dreamed of becoming nurses, I wondered exactly what I was going to say. My turn came and the only thing I could come up with was “my name is Adrienne and I am in nursing school because God told me to be here.” I questioned Him multiple times, even asked Him for proof of his directions, “nurse, really?” I often felt that by this time in my walk with God I should not need to ask for continued proof of His directions. Unfortunately, in my human weakness I did. His answers were clear every time, “Yes, nurse!” One of his most spectacular answers came when I was driving home from class (a 90 mile one-way commute), tired and doubtful. Literally, rainbows preceded me all the way home. At one point I could see three different rainbows and as one faded behind me another would appear in front of me. I serve a mighty, patient, gracious God and am looking forward to the continued adventure!
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