Amazing Grace Colorado

Set Free—My Chains Are Gone!

A Fishing Expedition

One of several careers, I used to be an Environmental Scientist for CA Fish and Game. I worked mostly with protected species and permitting. Every now and then I had to field calls about hunting and fishing (usually when nobody else was available because I knew very little about the associated regulations). One morning I fielded such a call because, Read More…

Lessons From A Pile of Dirt

Have you ever noticed that sometimes we, as humans, can get very small in our thoughts? Well, I was in that small place. Life around me was going a bit crazy as thoughts of making ends meet, possibly moving, career changes, uncertainty in the church and our ministry swirled incessantly around me. Maybe, since all the big stuff wouldn’t stop making me dizzy, I needed to focus on a small non-moving target, the desire to have a garden. I had tried the previous year with limited success. My tomatoes experienced a hard frost days before ripening. The only seed I’d managed to get sprouted, Carl the Carrot (when there is only one you tend to take it personally), vanished mysteriously during the night when it was but a tender 2 inches tall. Read More…

The Hard Work Begins

The wedding over, the hard work began: marriage. Mark and I had completed some premarital counseling at the church. It started with a compatibility test which we failed! I think the only thing we had in common was our recreational activities. I suppose it made sense since we met cross country skiing. I remember the pastor, in his own polite way, hinting multiple times, that perhaps this was not a match made in heaven. Mark was a Christian, I was not. Mark was a businessman, raised in a military household that attended church every Sunday in matching suits and sat down to a family dinner every night. He had a rebellious streak and partied with alcohol and drugs through his late teens and twenties. I was a vegetarian, tree-hugging, recent Berkeley graduate. My family rarely attended church, rarely sat down to meal together and certainly never wore matching outfits. I was a rule follower and definitely not a partier. In fact, in college I won my dorm award for quietest student. They gave me a dictionary. We completed the counseling, acknowledged there could be challenges and forged ahead. Read More…

God Pursuing Me

I started this blog talking about being a reluctant’s pastor’s wife so back to that story. I left off at “time to start a family” but I want to go back just a little further to share about our wedding. Read More…

God's Plans

You may notice a teensy time gap between this post and my last one. With a little prompting from my husband (he said I should write a post or people may believe the rumor of my untimely demise), I will try to pick up where I left off. Read More…
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